Wednesday, September 28, 2005


We're all falling over ourselves to write to you because we feel like we've really got something to say and I've made it to the laptop first while we're doing a song I'm not playing on. I can hear Lee's cymbals smashing away and Nigel, also currently absent from song creation, doing his office work next to me.
Stockholm is amazing and full of leaves. I always feel a bit homesick on the day I travel but can't help feeling happy here, doing this. I loved the bus trip from the airport, listening to Cole's Corner, looking out the window in the dark. It's the kind of album that demands that kind of sentimentality.

The band have been impressively sociable, out every night before starting recording and spending all our money on liquid refreshments. Our eyes are smarting from the late nights and early mornings. Our stomachs are soggy with over-priced evil hotdogs and the fingertip callouses are growing. In other words we're having the time of our lives.

love Carey


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